Managing a workforce training and development plan is like a balancing act: you must keep your staff knowledge current, accomdate diverse schedules, and stay on budget.
The best way to balance competing priorities is through a strategic training plan with certified results -- continuing education unit credits (CEU's).
Three keys for a successful training program:
Keep it fresh. Up-to-date information makes education more valuable, provides a better return for your training budget, and keeps your staff focused and fresh.
Stay in compliance. Many organizations now require staff to seek and maintain continuing education units (CEU's) as part of a professionalism program. Training which delivers CEU certificates provides measurable results and keeps you in compliance.
Have fun. Great training never relies just on slides and statistics; an oustanding course builds a bond between the audience and the material, and between the presenter and the audience. Never settle for boring; have fun.
“Cost-effective training always begins with a plan.”